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Filtrez vos news en français! |
Posted by: Crittendon - Sunday 16 December 2007, 17:18 |
MoraX, le webmaster de la QWL vient de mettre en place un systéme de filtrage de news. Désormais vous pourrez avoir accés à votre site préféré avec toutes les news traduites en français et toutes les infos concernant les coupes et ladders organisés. Pour ce faire, rien de plus simple, suivait le guide ci-dessous.
Nerdvibes s'associe à la coupe |
Posted by: Crittendon - Sunday 16 December 2007, 17:18 |
Quelques petites informations importantes durant ce week end,

La web-radio Nerdvibes s'associe à la coupe.
Les matchs les plus intéressants seront donc retransmis en direct.
En outre, il y a projet de faire les tirages au sort en direct sur la radio.
Enfin, un match de Gala sera organisé pour ouvrir le tournoi. ( Réunissant des personnes des teams participantes à la coupe; pas encore de modalités précises mais ça va venir )
I have just implemented the last update of the site, which contains all changes for the new newssystem.
Why a new newssystem, and what does it do you ask? Good question! Read this post to learn more about the features and reason to change the current newssystem
Fix to Dual Core + FPS + Megatexture problem |
Posted by: JB - Thursday 13 December 2007, 11:05 |
Do you have dual core processor, and get often low quality megatexure (ground textures and mountains etc)? Then I think you should try this solution for this problem.
Paul Wedgwood has a new blog on the official community website about the upcoming 1.4 patch. Apperently 1.3 was only for the Korean version of the game.
There is only a small mention in the blog about the planned competition improvements so we have to wait for that a bit longer.
1.4 does contain the long wanted Pause function.
Go read for your self here
La ligue francophone d'ETQW ouvre ses portes! |
Posted by: Crittendon - Thursday 6 December 2007, 14:24 |
Ligue francophone d'ETQW
Nous sommes heureux de vous présenter la première ligue francophone d’ETQW. Vous êtes leader d’une team francophone ou vous connaissez une team francophone ? N’hésitez pas à vous inscrire. Cette coupe est faite pour vous ! Un grand merci à GlobalWar et aux admin QWL pour leurs aides!
ETQW francophone league
We are proud to present the first francophone ETQW league. You are the leader of a francophone team or you know a francophone team ? Join us, this cup is made for you ! Specials thanks to GlobalWar and QWL admins for their help!
Own The Ladder , Own a (Ranked )Server. |
Posted by: GlobalWar (Admin) - Monday 3 December 2007, 16:19 |

New at the QWL!
Get your clan a i3D Quake Wars (Ranked) server as long as you defend the number one position in the QWL Euro 6 vs 6 ladder.
So join our ladder and get your team to the top!
4 versus 4 Infantry Only Reminder! |
Posted by: bzZ_ (Admin) - Wednesday 28 November 2007, 15:39 |
Splash Damage announces SDK released soon |
Posted by: GlobalWar (Admin) - Tuesday 20 November 2007, 13:41 |
Splash Damage community manager Steve'Badman'Hessel has just announced that they are about to release the long awaited SDK. Great news for the mappers and modders among us.
I can't wait to take a peek myself tbh
4 vs 4 Infantry Only Ladder open |
Posted by: bzZ_ (Admin) - Sunday 11 November 2007, 23:29 |

Popular and very demanded: Infantry Only 4v4 Ladder added to continue the slaughter between GDF and Strogg.
Team Leaders can signup via the Clan Management menu.
1.2 is out! |
Posted by: Duck - Wednesday 31 October 2007, 12:27 |
For all you sleepy heads that haven't noticed yet ,the 1.2 patch is out.
It will download automatically in game or you can down load at you leisure from here .
Get it!
Love it!
Lick it!
Splash Damage Dev Blog by Jared 'jRAD' Hefty |
Posted by: GlobalWar (Admin) - Tuesday 30 October 2007, 00:26 |
For everyone who's waiting for the SDK to be released a must read.
I am not a modder or level maker myself but reading this stuff makes me want to become one 
Dev Blog
The KaoS Contingency have done a very nice interview with Colin 'Domipheus' Riley, the guy behind the Wheels of War mod. A mod that has my attention for sure as I love to race around in awesome looking cars and kill opponents on the fly.
Read the interview here
New Patch Coming! Added SW functionality |
Posted by: GlobalWar (Admin) - Wednesday 24 October 2007, 23:03 |
This is a patch we all waited for and tbh I didn't expect it to come this fast!
One of the things I hoped for the most is the unique hit sound for when you get a head-shot!
Another one is: StopWatch mode now features a bit of added logic code to better deal with ties. If neither team wins the map outright, the team that progressed further through the objectives gets the win. While this is the only StopWatch improvement in this update, we have a separate push to add lots more features to tournament support overall. More on that in another Blog.
Read the full news post here
For those of you from Germany or speaking German I ran across a nice German website for ET:QW these guys really seem to have it going on, check out their goodness here
QWL has teamed up with I3D again to bring you a teamspeak server that members can use for their own pickup games or private clan use.
This server is available for anyone to use at any time. While its not setup with a million channels just yet we will have the setup completed over the next few days.
Server info is teamspeak.i3d.nl:8908 .
We expect everyone to respect other players use of this and not abuse the server to harress other players. Any problems using this server or problems with abuse please report to a QWL admin .
EURO 6vs6 Ladder Needs You! |
Posted by: bzZ_ (Admin) - Sunday 14 October 2007, 23:56 |

Sign up and join today!
Last night Cph has beaten dignitas in a very heavy battle.
Both teams fought like hell and both managed to win on their own maps.
Cph defeated Dignitas on Volcano and Dignitas destroyed Cph on Area22.
It took a decider map (Island) to prove that Cph was the strongest clan. They set a time of 15:16 which was unbreakable by dignitas.
Both teams WELL PLAYED!
If you want to see the match for your self you can.QUADV has a feed up for your pleasure
The QWL rules on the retail version of the game are as follows:
NO Aircrafts Allowed (does not include Icarus).
MAX 1 Heavy Vehicle per team.
MAX 1 Medium Vehicle per team.
Heavy Vehicles include: Cyclops, Desecrator and Titan.
Medium Vehicles include: Hog and Trojan APC.
Heavy Vehicles cannot be used by either team once the final objective is active.
MAX 1 Sniper Rifle/Rail Gun per team.
MAX 1 of each turret per team (AVT/APT/AIT).
MAX 1 artillery deployable per team.
- Area22
- Ark
- Island
- Refinery
- Salvage
- Sewer
- Volcano
Rules apply to all cups and ladders until further notice.
We decided against the ESL rule of taking out the radar as we feel this really hurts the game. Taking out fliers we can survive but don't touch our cool radar!
roYality Wins The Division B Final! |
Posted by: bzZ_ (Admin) - Monday 8 October 2007, 22:36 |
In a very nice match, roYality made it very clear to al that they wanted the title. roYality eSports won with a very convincing 4-0.
EURO 6vs6 Ladder Open For Business |
Posted by: bzZ_ (Admin) - Monday 8 October 2007, 20:45 |

At this time the EURO 6vs6 Ladder will be open. Sofar 9 clans registered to participate and the first match is already planned. Sign up and frag on!
QWL Final: Copenhagen eSport vs Team-Dignitas |
Posted by: bzZ_ (Admin) - Saturday 6 October 2007, 20:29 |

The Division A Final will be played on monday october 8th at 21:00 CET.
The match will be covered by QUADV and the guy giving comments on the match is no one less than the legendary Tosspot!
QWL Final: Afterlife vs roYality eSports |
Posted by: bzZ_ (Admin) - Saturday 6 October 2007, 20:12 |

The Division B Final will be played on monday october 8th at 21:00 CET.
roYality and al have proven to be the to strongest teams after beating OverGame and eqlz~.
So we will have finals between roYality and al to determine the winner and the number two of the QWL Division B cup and OverGame vs eqlz~ to determine the number three and four.
I think both matches can and will be very exciting as the clans are about equal in strenght.
GL&HF and provide us some demo's and/or reports because we really like to "be there" to watch!

Just after Quake Wars went gold we had a little chat with Paul Wedgwood, owner of Splash Damage and Lead Game Designer on id’s software latest title: Enemy Territory Quake Wars..
As many others, we really wanted to know their plans for in game competition support and the balancing for Stop Watch games. I hope this interview sheds some light on it.
The Semi's for Division B have started!
In this round the following teams will compete:
From Spain: OverGame
From Germany: roYality
From Poland: eqlz~
From Finland: al
We wish you guys good luck and more important FUN in the coming matches.
The round ends at 6 October 23:00.
Not invented by ESL but initated by Clan Kompaniet and with the help of a handful of high ranked clans the new rule set is just announced.
Although I agree there need to be restrictions to keep the game playable in a 6 vs 6 Stopwatch match I feel they have gone to far.
Rules like: only one turret per class/side, no heavy vehicles at last stage are really over the top if you ask me.
Are these rules really agreed to the community or just a handful of top level clans?
Please let us know and vote on the poll in the right menu. Please be aware it’s not our intention to break the community. We just want to know how the community really feels.
Of course any comment on this topic is welcome.
Everyone who knows me knows I am a big stats whore. Can’t help it, stats are cool.
Not only stats from the games I play but also stats from websites are great to have (as long as there is a certain amount of grow of course) .
My accuracy is one of the stats I don’t like as it stays between 20 and 35% as long as I can remember.
QWL stats are way more interesting as they show a significant grow in all area’s
On request of two teams and with permission of others we have delayed the closure of round 3 until monday night 23:00.
Only out just 2 days and already some great reviews and awards.
* PCGZine US – 92% and their "Gold" Award - Read
* Games Radar US – 90% - Read
* GameZone US - 90% and their Editor's Choice award - Read
* PC Action Magazine Germany – 90% - Read
* The Games Machine Magazine Italy – 93% and their "Gold" Award
* PC Gameplay Benelux - 86% - Read
Check the full article at Community site
[GR-OF] took a beating from dignitas and unfortunately NINJA decided to hide and run instead of facing Cph.
This gives a (quite expected) final match between the two titans Copenhagen and Dignitas.
Will the QWL beta champion stay at its throne or will we have a new king of the hill?
Stay tuned for the match date and time as we might have some coverage from the casters.
PlanetQuakeWars.net Interviews Locki |
Posted by: GlobalWar (Admin) - Saturday 29 September 2007, 12:40 |
Our friends at planetquakewars.net have interviewed Paul Wedgwood, owner and Lead Game Designer at Splash Damage
Again they pulled of a "not so standard pr stuff interview" and gave us a great read.
You can read the interview here
Division A Semi-Finals started |
Posted by: bzZ_ (Admin) - Wednesday 26 September 2007, 17:02 |
Division A Round 2 has ended as well.
The following 4 teams are playing the Semi-Finals:
Cph vs NINJA
[GR-OF] vs dignitas
All clans good luck! The Semi-Finals end on september 29th , make sure to arrange your matches in time!
Round Two For Division B Ended |
Posted by: bzZ_ (Admin) - Wednesday 26 September 2007, 09:06 |
Again Division B went well, almost all matches had been played like they should.
The following 8 teams are advancing to Round 3:
OverGame, fs., roYality, schwarz, eqlz~, pain', raGe and al.
We congratulate the winners and hope to see the others in a next Cup!
Round 3 ends on september 29th , make sure to arrange your matches in time!
Pain 4 Ever Kicked TKA's Ass |
Posted by: bzZ_ (Admin) - Sunday 23 September 2007, 22:58 |
Tonight's match between [T-K-A] and pain' had to be decided by means of a... decider. (brilliant choice of words -.-)
Round One For Division B ended |
Posted by: bzZ_ (Admin) - Saturday 22 September 2007, 00:09 |
Division B also went quite well, some forfeits, some noshows but overall all matches had been played like they should.
The following 16 teams are advancing to Round 2:
fs., one.magi, 4frags., OverGame, schwarz, Samurai|, rY, mtk, [T-K-A], pain', Fls, eqlz~, al, TIER, raGe, .uG.
We congratulate the winners and hope to see the others in a next Cup!
Round 2 ends at september 25th , make sure to arrange your matches in time!
Today all clans are invited to participate in the QWL Demo Ladder.
This is more or less a test case for us as the software is brand new and needs some stress testing by real clans.
So if you find any bug or maybe you like things different or even if you want a new functionality we didn't think of, please let us know.
With a stunning speed Round One has come to an end.
With only 2 forfeits we can say this round went quite well.
The Following 8 Teams are advancing to Round 2.
Cph, -Pelit-, NINJA, desire|, Arcane6, [GR-OF], dignitas, junk52.
We want to congratulate the winners and hope to see the loosing teams in the next cup!
Round Two ends at 25th of September so make sure you arrange your matches in time!
Schwarz: masters of Puppets |
Posted by: bzZ_ (Admin) - Friday 21 September 2007, 00:02 |
This match started off very slow due to serverproblems, but eventually we kicked off. Sadly gP` had been shown all corners of Valley (well.. figure of speech tbh) by schwarz.
It had to be a very dull match for all viewers, as this was videocasted by Game-TV.com as well.
Even in the first round matches can be very exciting 
The match between vTo.cY and Fls felt quite balanced but Fls proved to be the strongest team.
Copenhagen Esports Took Swift First Win |
Posted by: bzZ_ (Admin) - Wednesday 19 September 2007, 22:23 |
In tonight's match between Cph and exilium. , Copenhagen kinda rolled over Exilium; liberating Valley from all evil Strogg.
There will be a captains meeting Tuesday September 18th at 9pm CEST/8pm BST. All team captains should attend (and any clan members who also want to join) The meeting will be held in irc on quakenet.
Message one of the ops in #qwl for the #qwl.capt channel password, or pm QWL|Deacon in #qwl for more info.
Euro Demo Cup Starts! |
Posted by: bzZ_ (Admin) - Monday 17 September 2007, 00:35 |

Divisions are ready and matches are ready to be played! The Cup will start wednesday september 19th!.
Euro Demo Cup Signups Closed! |
Posted by: bzZ_ (Admin) - Sunday 16 September 2007, 10:25 |
The Signups are now closed and we'd like to thank everyone who did: 58 clans signed up! 
However; there are still quite a number of clans who NEED to get their roster together ASAP!
I've made a list of clans who need their members to register and join before midnight 00:00 CET; so Clanleaders/Captains: please urge them to do so! Any registrationproblems need to be reported asap as well!
edit: at this time all clans who didn't meet the requirement of 6 members in their team, have been removed from the Cup! Thank you for registering, but better luck next time: make sure to have 6 when signing up for a next Cup!
The Signup period for the QWL Demo Cup will end Saturday 15/9. The next days we will do a check if all clans meet the 6 player requirement so please make sure all your members are registered before Monday 17/9. Clans that fail this requirement will be removed from the cup!
First round is scheduled to be played on Wednesday 19/9.
We like to welcome GK-Duck as our newest crew member.
Duck is going to help us out as a News Reporter, Cup Admin and Server Admin.
Latest RULES For Our Demo Cup |
Posted by: bzZ_ (Admin) - Thursday 13 September 2007, 00:26 |
To prove we're not deaf, dumb and lame public players.. we have been seriously brainstorming about all possibilities and ofcourse considering all kinds of remarks made by you, YES YOU! ; thus coming to the following rules for the upcoming cup:
Latest Crew Additions |
Posted by: bzZ_ (Admin) - Wednesday 12 September 2007, 12:36 |
We'd like to welcome Sjakie as serveradmin, Numse and aneki as cup- / matchadmin.
Go for it and enjoy yourselves!
we are still looking for serious people from the community, to backup our beloved core! Feel free to contact us by means of PM or on #QWL @ irc. We need some more admins!
With some great help from the community we finally finished the rule set for Valley.
After play testing the demo in a match between dignitas and Cph (full hold 2 times) it became very clear that Valley is not yet balanced for 6vs6 stopwatch and we needed some restrictions.
i3D already had a solid rule set which was already accepted by most clans playing the beta cup but they where restricting the Tormentor.
We wanted the damn thing in so we have bended the i3D rules a bit.
Read them for your pleasure Rules
Finally the Demo has officially been released! Now everyone can try the game themselves, without having to get a key from Fileplanet, or some contest.
Click here to get the demo yourself.
Time to defend the earth soldier! 
Edit: We pulled quite a lot of bandwidth from the web server causing load issues at other sites on the same box so we decided to just point to the i3D location which has more bandwidth anyway.
This download is powered by i3D!
Europe option now available to clans |
Posted by: bzZ_ (Admin) - Thursday 6 September 2007, 21:21 |
As requested by many; Europe has now been added as country-option.
New clans should be able to choose it when choosing a country by scrolling to the bottom of the list, whereas already registered clans should be able to go to the edit clan-function and change it.
Thanks to Morax.
Just a moment ago Splash Damage has announced a lot of information about the upcoming Quake Wars Demo.
It's now confirmed that the demo will be available for everyone on monday the 10th. The map included in the demo will be Valley.
You can read the news item here
With the Quake Wars demo being released next week (10/09) we are happy to announce we are setting up a cup for the demo also.
Depending on the amount of clans that want to participate we might have some nifty prizes to give away so join up
Just to remind you, QWL has 8 servers running for the Quake Wars community.
2 public ranked servers are waiting for you to kick some ass:
QuakeWarsLeague.com - Europe #1 -
QuakeWarsLeague.com - Europe #2 -
If you are in a clan and need practice or want to scrim but don’t have a server you can always ask one of our admins on irc #QWL. We are more then happy to give you access and enjoy a more private game with your friends.
QuakeWarsLeague.com - Chicago #1 -
QuakeWarsLeague.com - Chicago #2 -
QuakeWarsLeague.com - Dallas #1 -
QuakeWarsLeague.com - Europe #3 -
QuakeWarsLeague.com - Europe #4 -
QuakeWarsLeague.com - Europe #5 -
Servers provided by i3D and Hypernia
Quake Wars Has Gone Gold.
After years of development the game has finally gone gold, meaning the master DVD’s are going to the manufacturer and after that to the stores where it will be waiting for us to buy.
I like to congratulate Splash Damage with this awesome achievement and really can’t wait to play all 12 maps.
You can read Locki’s blog about QW going gold on the official community website.
Some/most of you know this already; but finally ID announced the releasedate of ET:QW!
"This is the moment you have been waiting for: id Software CEO Todd Hollenshead just announced the official release date for the PC version of Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars during the id press conference at QuakeCon! Without further ado, here's the scoop: ETQW is slated to ship in North America on October 2, 2007, while Europeans will get their hands on it the Friday before (September 28). Mark your calendars, gentlemen!"
September 28th it is!
Well, the word is out and the hotel is booked. Me, GlobalWar and TheForceZ are going to the Games Convention at Leipzig.
The event is being held from the 23 to the 26th of August. GlobalWar and me will be there the Saturday and Sunday (August 25 and 26). While there we will probably have a little get together with some Splash Damage members, but we'll also be looking around the other stands (there is more than Quake-Wars you know )
We will post a report of our experiences and findings when we get back!
Also, let us know if you are going too. Who knows, we might run into you
Team Hot winner of the North American Cup! |
Posted by: bzZ_ (Admin) - Thursday 9 August 2007, 18:02 |
Finally we know who won the North American Open Beta Cup:
At Quakecon [HOT] beat [dz] , with 2-0.
Therefore we congratulate [HOT] for being the winner of the North American Open Beta Cup and [dz] for being 2nd.
Ofcourse thanks to both clans for participating in our Cup!
Salteh was finally persuaded to join QWL as a Match/Cup/Ladder-Admin; so on behalf of all of us:
Welcome and have a good time!
Looking back at a great Cup! |
Posted by: bzZ_ (Admin) - Monday 6 August 2007, 22:48 |

Well, after some intense weeks of preparing, hard work, loads of mail/PM and IRC spamming and ofcourse some great matches, we could say it has been very succesfull as well as satisfying. Ofcourse we couldn't have pulled it off without all the support and help from the following people:
Thanks on behalf of the QWL crew to our sponsors:

ID Software

Splash Damage : For their support, help, kindness and interest and ofcourse for providing the goodies!

Activision: For their support and ofcourse for providing the goodies!

Hypernia Free Ranked Servers : For providing the North American servers and their support.

i3d Gameservers : For providing the European servers and their support.

TGBF.tv : For some exclusive and really nice coverage of a lot of our matches and their support.

Game-TV.com : For some really nice coverage of some of our matches and their support.
Thanks to all the clans who already registered at QWL but mostly thanks to the following clans for participating in and supporting the QWL Open Beta Cup:
hg |, GK, [HOT], frag.d, BYE|, SS., {DeV}, ]km[, MU, (NUC), 341 |, =[B|C]=, [dz], [USEF], [GFY], (vibe), cause*, [4Rng], CGA, exilium., ntech`, dignitas, V, tyrn, One2|, PiC|, te4m., NINJA, TLR|, eQ and n3rd.
Ofcourse thanks to all the people who took effort in visiting www.QuakeWarsLeague.com and #QWL @ irc and also thanks to all the people who gave us feedback at our forum and our polls.
Me personally would like to thank and say hi to: GlobalWar, Morax and Deacon: for letting me do my thing @ QWL, their friendship and their support - (B)adman, Wizz and all others at Splash Damage: for having such patience in hectic times, showing interest and their support - The Swede and team @ TGBF: for being nice and helping out on some fabulous covering of the matches - Greatbrian and team @ Game-TV: for helping out on some really nice coverage as well - Imran and team @ QuakeWarsPodcast: for showing interest in QWL - Numse, PliXs, Soltis and Team One2 - FoX, Hackbard, MoriX and Cause We Can - LashtonBryth and Team HOT - Caliban and N3rd - SonDac and Team-Dignitas - bord: for being my spamming victim on MSN - Deacon, Duck and God's Knights - Domipheus and Earthquakers and all other people I forgot!
I think we can look back at a very nice debut and we really worked our butts off to make everything as interesting and smooth as possible. But ofcourse we're still learning and trying to improve.. so PLEASE be so kind and fill in our poll! Adding comments would be usefull as well: it will be appreciated!
ET:QW Open Beta 2 arrived! |
Posted by: bzZ_ (Admin) - Friday 3 August 2007, 19:47 |
Finally the long awaited Open Beta version 2 is ready to be downloaded.
click here to download!
Note that your Open Beta 1 key WILL work on 2 as well!
One2 wins the Euro Open Beta Cup |
Posted by: bzZ_ (Admin) - Tuesday 31 July 2007, 22:04 |
Because of some internal problems, cause* decided to cancel the match. We considered lots of other options but the decision remained. Technically this means that One2| wins by Forfeit. Therefore we, at QuakeWarsLeague, congratulate Team One2 for being the winner of the European Open Beta Cup!
We also congratulate Cause we can with their 2nd place. Despite the way this final had to end, they still deserve to be the second best.
The Final between [dz] and [HOT] will be played on:
Tuesday, july 31st at 22:00 EST!
The Loser Bracket match between BYE| and frag.d has been decided, by means of a Forfeit win for BYE|. Therefore we congratulate BombYourEnemies with their 3rd place and Frag Dominant with their 4th place. Thanks to both teams for participating in our North American Open Beta Cup!
Euro Cup Final is set |
Posted by: bzZ_ (Admin) - Saturday 28 July 2007, 13:44 |
The Final between cause* and One2| will be played on:
Tuesday, july 31st at 22:00 CET!
Showcasted live! on TGBF, Game-TV and QuakeWars Podcast.
The Loser Bracket match between NINJA and dignitas has been decided, by means of a Forfeit win for NINJA. The Dignitas guys are too busy practicing for the upcoming Quakecon appearance and decided to focus on that completely. Therefore we congratulate Team NINJA with their 3rd place and Team-Dignitas with their 4th place. Thanks to both teams for participating in our Euro Open Beta Cup!
Dignitas has left the building |
Posted by: bzZ_ (Admin) - Thursday 26 July 2007, 23:38 |
One2| showed dignitas tonight, what it's like to be litterally played off the server..
ET:QW nominated at Game Critics Awards |
Posted by: bzZ_ (Admin) - Wednesday 25 July 2007, 18:46 |
The Game Critics Awards panel have announced this year�s nominees and Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars managed to garner two nominations - Best PC Game and Best Online Multiplayer. These Game Critics Awards are handed out annually by an independent organization comprised of journalists from over 36 major North American gaming publications. The winners will be announced on July 31.
Also, GameSpy have published their Annual E3 Awards, with Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars making their Top 10 PC Games list. They called it "one of the most impressive PC titles on hand, and one we�re looking forward to playing a lot more of�.
Read more on the Splash Damage site.
Today, I have updated the site with some new features, as well as a list of bugfixes. In this newspost, I will talk a bit about some of the new features, explaining how they work
Double showcast One2 vs Dignitas match |
Posted by: bzZ_ (Admin) - Tuesday 24 July 2007, 20:31 |
Thursday's clash between One2| and dignitas will be broadcasted over the glorious i-net on both TGBF as well as Game-TV.
So be sure to tune in around 22:00 CET, july 26th 2007.
E3 Interview with Todd Hollenshead |
Posted by: bzZ_ (Admin) - Tuesday 24 July 2007, 17:34 |
CEO of ID Software, Todd Hollenshead, talks to IGN about Quake Wars' development, the challenges of putting the game on both PC and the consoles, and id Tech 5.
Look at the video interview at Voodoo Extreme.
Semi-Finals for the NA Cup started |
Posted by: bzZ_ (Admin) - Thursday 19 July 2007, 08:29 |
The Semi-Finals will be as follows:
[HOT] versus Project7
[dz] versus BYE|
Matches have to be scheduled before thursday july 26th, 23:00 EST
Semi-Finals for the EU Cup started |
Posted by: bzZ_ (Admin) - Wednesday 18 July 2007, 23:12 |
The Semi-Finals will be as follows:
One2| versus dignitas
NINJA versus cause*
Matches have to be scheduled before thursday july 26th, 23:00 CET
Can anyone stop Dignitas? |
Posted by: bzZ_ (Admin) - Wednesday 18 July 2007, 21:04 |
dignitas showed that they are the dominating team once again. bioxar didn't have a chance and I think not a clue what happened either.
4th Rangers Flushed Out By One2 |
Posted by: bzZ_ (Admin) - Tuesday 17 July 2007, 22:03 |
One2| cleared the sewers pretty easily, in a bit of a one sided match versus [4Rng].
One2 versus 4th Rangers showcasted on TGBF |
Posted by: bzZ_ (Admin) - Tuesday 17 July 2007, 00:27 |
Today's match between One2| and [4Rng] will be showcasted on TGBF, with your hosts Deacon and The-Swede.
The match is scheduled for 20:30 CET, tuesday july 17th.
Late Night Thriller In Unique Ways |
Posted by: bzZ_ (Admin) - Tuesday 17 July 2007, 00:06 |
Tonight's match between exilium. and cause*, had some unique aspects to it.
Line up is:
Group 1: (vibe) vs [HOT]
Group 2: Project7 vs {DeV}
Group 3: MU vs [dz]
Group 4: BYE| vs SS.
Matches have to be played before 18 July 23:00 so make sure you schedule them fast.
BioXar victorious in a great match vs Venatio |
Posted by: bzZ_ (Admin) - Thursday 12 July 2007, 22:21 |
BioXar really gave Venatio a hard time in tonight's match, which actually resulted in a win.
Match Venatio vs bioXar Double ShowCast |
Posted by: GlobalWar (Admin) - Wednesday 11 July 2007, 11:38 |
The match Venatio vs bioXar will be show casted by both game-tv and TGBF, making this match available for a very wide range of fans.
The match is scheduled for TODAY at 21:00 CET.
Again a must see on TGBF with TheSwede and our very own Deacon to give comment on the match.
Te4m really tried their best but couldn�t make a fist at all. Totally owned by the Dignitas defence Te4m couldn�t even build the EMP (e-em-pee) giving Dignitas the full 20 minutes to do their attack round. Who needs 20 minutes if you can do it in less then 5 minutes?
The next round Dignitas was in attacking once more. They got a little lazy because it took them 4 seconds more to hack it this time, giving te4m just over 4 minutes to counter attack.
Which of course they could not beat.
Great match to watch, I hope to see more matches like this.
If you missed it or want to see it again, you can. It�s on the archives of TGBF
In the match between eQ and Cause, Cause definitely had the upper hand in this one.
Tonight�s QWL battle between eQ and Cause will be streamed by Game-TV.
The commentary will be in German but even if you don�t speak or understand German it will be fun to watch.
Info can be found on the game-tv website.
The match between Dignitas and Te4m will be covered by TGBF!
TGBF already covered today�s match between One2 and CGA which was fun to see and hear with our own Deacon commenting and giving explanations to the commentaries.
So be sure to get a front row seat to watch this game between two titans. The match is scheduled Monday 9 July 2007, 21:00 CET.
Please beware that this cast is more or less a beta cast because they are still testing things out and learning the game (just like us). Any feedback on the technique can be given on IRC #tgbf.
The first round in the Open Euro is played.
One2 gave CGA a fair beating in this one, One2 starting off as Strogg keeping CGA from building the EMP device all the time and setting a full hold.
One2 as GDF didn�t really have a hard time to rush and build the EMP in no time (didn�t write it down, sorry for that). Blowing up the grates was not too difficult either and the match was over before I (and CGA I think) knew it.
Next round One2 as GDF again setting an even faster time making it almost impossible for CGA to fight them selves back in the match, again CGA was not able to build the EMP and made One2 the first winner in the QWL Open Beta Cup.
Well played all of you. I loved to watch this game which was also vidcasted by TGBF.
We had the chance to talk to the brand new Quake Wars squad of Team Dignitas which signed up at QWL and is participating in the QWL Open Beta Euro Cup.
Both Euro and N.A. cups have been started, closed servers SHOULD arrive any day now. Please start arranging your matches through the Clan Menu options. Anyone needing help with this please contact me. You can find us in Quakenet #qwl..*note First round matches should be played by July 11th Wednesday.
New Client Update coming |
Posted by: bzZ_ (Admin) - Sunday 1 July 2007, 12:55 |
Yesterday SD's Badman stated that a small client update will be released this week. Numerous changes have been made including the ever-commented Hit Prediction!
Read more on the official ET:QW Community site.
source: click
Update: Patch is released. When starting the game it should automatically download the patch.
There will be a captains meeting Sunday July 1st at 9pm EST. All team captains should attend (and any clan members who also want to join) The meeting will be held in irc pm QWL|Deacon in Qnet #qwl for more info ( We have a captins irc channel set up for you )
Whats a cup without a good shoutcaster? Nothing of course.
Exciting matches need exciting commentaries to become even more exciting.
There for I am proud to announce iTG`Django is going to shoutcast for us.
If you want to know more about iTG`Django, read more.
Signing up for all! |
Posted by: bzZ_ (Admin) - Wednesday 27 June 2007, 19:25 |
After having a very long discussion with loads of pizza and beers; we at QWL decided that anyone who wants to sign up his or her clan, should get that opportunity!
For now we no longer desire a Clan website or at least a properly working one. However.. In the future, we will go back to our original point of view. But that is of later concern. 
If you want to sign up to participate in any Cup or to simply register at QWL: feel free to do so!
QWL presents another ET:QW open beta cup event , this time in the North American arena.
Teams of 6v6 will have access to lockable servers for their games . Number of teams will be a maximum of 16.
Sign your clan up now and visit us in Quakenet #QWL for more details.
Team leaders can sign up via the Clan Management menu.
On another note we still have several FREE ET:QW beta keys to be givin out in various contests on the website and the irc lobby.
Quakecon the biggest fps event for any id related game runs the first week of august every year. This year they'll have an ET:QW 32 team event.
(posted @ http://www.esreality.com)
Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars:
Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars makes its tournament debut at QuakeCon 2007. 32 teams will compete in the incredible battles between Earth�s Global Defense Force (GDF) and the invading alien Strogg. Each 6-person team will battle it out in a double-elimination bracket-style tournament, with each team having the opportunity to both attack and defend. With a focus on objective and class-based gameplay, Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars will test each team�s ability to combine skill, strategy, and teamwork in tournament play like never before.
Did you guys notice our blog section yet?
Madhaha has done some nice blogs on his experiences in the Open Beta.
If you like to make a blog you can do that also of course.
Check this out!
TheRedstuff has some gold dust on the web site.
Somehow he has kept behind some VIP keys for the Open Beta and is giving them away NOW.
So quick sign up and claim a key before someone else beats you to it.
Although the Open Beta cup has reached its current maximum we still accept clans to join the club.
Possibly we will increase the number of slots to allow more clans to join the Open Beta Cup and of course we are already planning the Demo Cup.
So don�t hesitate to join us 
Update: We are in contact with a North American GSP so we might offer a NA cup as well.
Update 2: Hypernia has offered to help us out with some servers so we will have a NA
Cup as well.
Lots of you guys must have played it by now so tell me, how was it like?
A game hyped like Quake Wars is always good for disappointing moments, or maybe you didn't expect anything and are astonished by it's game play and mouth watering eye candy.
See our poll!
Well then, with Fileplanet giving away keys to free accounts in less than 2 hours, we also have some keys left 
So, here's the deal: The last event will start one hour before Fileplanet starts their event, so that's in about 45 minutes from now (roughly).
We will have another draw from the topic on our forums, then we will have another random draw on IRC, and the last key will be a surprise!
So, see you guys in 45 minutes then, good luck!
Hi people, with the Open Beta released we have some VIP keys to give away.
What do you have to do for it? Well nothing special actually. Just tell us why you think you should get one and post a cool message in this topic
We will pick some people randomly and send the winners the key by mail.
Next to that we will give some keys to people hanging on our IRC channel so find a front row spot there also.
Neil Postlethwaite, Splash Damage's Managing Director and one of the Producers on Enemy Territory explains the in game advertising in Quake Wars and what we can expect.
Read the article on the Splash Damage Community Site
Rumours about an upcoming open beta are finaly confirmed.
Badman, our community manager at Splash Damage, has confirmed on the community website that the Open Beta will be released very soon.
We all know soon is vague especially as it comes to id's titles but we trust this "soon" is indeed very soon because the first reports of people being able to download the open beta from File Planet are coming in.