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Posted by madhaha at Saturday 23 June 2007, 15:02 |
This is a log of the Q&A session that took place just before the first beta keys were given out in #etqwbeta. It was supposed to be uploaded onto the community site but it looks like they haven't got round to it. Where possible, I have edited out people joining the channel etc.
<+meeb> just a quick update while the splashdamage guys sort some stuff out
<+meeb> there's currently 1620 users in here! thanks for taking part
<+meeb> you've asked around 2300 questions, and around 300 have been answered
<@etqw> gun-CRUSHYOU asked: will there be an option for drawgun 0?
<@etqw> Locki-SD answers: Yes.
<@[b]adman> Once again, to sign up for the ETQW beta, head to http://www.fileplanet.com/promotions/quakewars/ - it's for FilePlanet subscribers only at the moment, but will open up to people with free FilePlanet accounts in a few days
<@etqw> `FiRe asked: I HAS A CHEEZBURGER!
<@etqw> Locki-SD answers: That site rocks - I'm sending them photos of my kitten Spartacus 
Editors note- Any idiot can steal from 4chan (the original source of most the images). ytmnd has been doing it for ages and at least they do something original too.
<@etqw> gun-CRUSHYOU asked: can i mae my own auto exec with my binds like I do in ET?
<@etqw> Locki-SD answers: Yes, and there are some cool features for setting up your CFG too - we'll include details in later readmes. For now, simply edit your username.cfg file in /base
<@etqw> geist asked: why is it that there's a preorder button on the german page, but no listed retailers? is it possible to preorder in germany?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: MediaMarkt is handling ETQW preorders in Germany
<@etqw> Dobber_S asked: is there a friendly fire off and on setting for the server?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: yes, there is
<@etqw> pEsthoernchen asked: is account sharing allowed?
<@etqw> Locki-SD answers: You can create three accounts for each CD-key (so your little brother could play for example) but you can only play from one machine at a time.
<@etqw> Tigre|work asked: Is the fileplanet System Requirment checker working correctly?
<@etqw> Wils|pizza answers: no, of course not (yes)
<@etqw> bebar asked: what is your opinion about community websites ?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: we love them! it's great to see so many people being passionate enough about the game to create a site for it
<@etqw> Jimmie asked: Does Spartacus has a flavour?
<@etqw> Locki-SD answers: He constantly smells of 'Chicken
<@etqw> carnito asked: how long will the beta-time last? upon release or is there any deadline for the keys to stop working?
<@etqw> Locki-SD answers: Until the game is really well balanced and all the show-stopping bugs are fixed.
<@etqw> vG|Demp[TMS] asked: if your pizza doesnt arrive in 30 minutes dont you get it for free?
<@etqw> Wils|pizza answers: it took a while to order
<@etqw> [TF]Ringo asked: will there be hand-grenades?
<@etqw> SyncError answers: Yes, there are frag, smoke and emp grenades.
<@etqw> Raoulen asked: i have an Logitech G15 keyboard with the little lcd screen in it ...will there be some prog for that in the game or will it be available later?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: ETQW has full G15 support
<@etqw> Hattori`Humsch asked: is there a grenade launcher?
<@etqw> Wils|pizza answers: yes, it's one of the xp rewards
<@etqw> |DG|Kuthroat asked: Is there anything special Lan Centers can do if you can only have 3 accounts per key?
<@etqw> Locki-SD answers: Lan Centers can email [email protected] and we'll put you in touch with the right id/ATVI or SD people that are handling that - we're already discussing this with some.
<@etqw> vG|Demp[TMS] asked: will the game run on my friend's geforce4 ?
<@etqw> Locki-SD answers: Probably not.
<@etqw> Raoulen asked: [b]adman: nice what kind of info can you get in the display?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: I think it displays your major stats among other things
<@etqw> BLaZor asked: will punkbuster be supported?
<@etqw> Wils|pizza answers: yes
<@etqw> Dobber_S asked: don't you hate it when you can't drink a good beer with your pizza when the big boss is around? ;p
<@etqw> Locki-SD answers: No. I _am_ the big boss 
<@etqw> `FiRe asked: Does ET:QW have built-in anti-cheat support. Possibly via Punkbuster?
<@etqw> Wils|pizza answers: yes, and it is punkbuster
<@etqw> intraxz asked: how will it be possible to download / upload those huge custom maps with megatextures?
<@etqw> Locki-SD answers: that's the plan... We have in-game and out of game update support. We haven't finalised how we'll handle custom maps, but the system is planned to support it.
<@etqw> VilleV_V asked: Can you record a demo from your playing?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: Yeah, there's full demo support in the game
<@etqw> [TF]Ringo asked: Manhunt 2 or ETQW?
<@etqw> Wils|pizza answers: go with the one that isn't banned in the uk 
<@etqw> eyescream asked: just for us to imagine.. in what kind of room and with how many ppl are you sitting right now? and hows the mood? :P
<@etqw> Locki-SD answers: In my library at home, with Leonie (my Fiance) and Spartacus. No beer in sight!!! AHHHHH!!!!!
<@[b]adman> We're going to end the Q&A portion in an hour, so in about 7 mins
<@etqw> iG-R|Spuddy asked: What is the size of the beta?
<@etqw> Wils|pizza answers: around 846mb, i think
<@etqw> vG|Demp[TMS] asked: are you loaded?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: constantly
<@etqw> bei asked: is VOIP built into the game, or will we still need Vent/TS servers?
<@etqw> Locki-SD answers: We removed VOIP from the PC version of the game. There are other alternatives for the PC.
<@etqw> [TF]Ringo asked: Any use of parachutes?
<@etqw> Wils|pizza answers: yes
<@[b]adman> ...I actually meant on the hour earlier, and no, this isn't how we're scheduling the game before you ask
<@etqw> Funkydupe asked: Will Locki be playing on the beta servers?
<@etqw> Locki-SD answers: Absolutely!
<@etqw> thebhoy asked: on a rough scale, how big is sewer compared to the other maps?
<@etqw> Wils|pizza answers: sewer is fairly average - there are bigger, and smaller maps in etqw
<@etqw> Dizzi| asked: does the game use a folder system that is QuakeWars\GameData\Base and \GameData\Modfoldername for mods?
<@etqw> Wils|pizza answers: yes
<@etqw> Hattori`Humsch asked: what is the FOV range you can setup?
<@etqw> Wils|pizza answers: 90-110
<@etqw> fusen asked: Will any of the devs or id/atvi staff be playing on the pub beta servers?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: you bet
<@etqw> Crimson_Might asked: What will happen if our admins ban id/atvi staff from our servers
<@etqw> Wils|pizza answers: we swear a lot and frown at you over the internet
<@[b]adman> alright guys, that's it for the Q&A
<@[b]adman> but because you've been so good, let's throw one more key out there
<Navi> thanks very much for answering _that_ many questions :-)
<@[b]adman> same procedure as before, i ask the question in here and the first person to /msg etqw with the correct answer gets into the beta
<@Locki-SD> Sorry - AFK 5 minutes.......
<@[b]adman> haha, how timely!
<@Locki-SD> brb
<@[b]adman> What's the name of the human faction in the game?
-etqw- Your question has been relayed to the #etqwbeta staff.
<@[b]adman> aight done :P
<@etqw> wick asked: global defence force
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: winnar!
<@[b]adman> we'd like to thank all of you for coming and asking us some great and sometimes even horribly offensive questions
<@[b]adman> it's been fun, we hope to see you online soon
<@[b]adman> don't forget to hit up http://community.enemyterritory.com for all the latest about ETQW and the on-going beta
<@[b]adman> and to sign up for the beta, keep an eye on http://www.fileplanet.com/promotions/quakewars
<@[b]adman> We might have another Q&A here in the future, so keep an eye on the community site
<@[b]adman> We'll also post a log of this chat there
<@[b]adman> Alright, we're going to take off moderation now. Prepare for insane spam!
<@[b]adman> Once again, thanks everybody for coming.
<eaze> \o/
*** [b]adman sets channel #etqwbeta mode -m |
Earlier part of the log, courtesy of Durex-murka10 (thanks!)
<@etqw> gun-CRUSHYOU asked: will there be another release of the RTCW line of games from ID??
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: RTCW2 is currently in development
<@etqw> Walkermag asked: Does ETQW take advantage of multi-core solutions?
<@etqw> Wils answers: Yes, ETQW runs in several threads internally
<@etqw> \_o-nielsson asked: ID GAMES ROCKS!! will u keep suporting the game/community?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: we definitely intend to support the community after release
<@etqw> FeaRog_ asked: hi jRAD!
<@etqw> Wils answers: I'm not jRAD :|
<@etqw> Swifto|Ak asked: will etqw be introduced to console's?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: ETQW will be released for the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3
<@etqw> DS\\Seppe asked: will there be other maps then sewer available during beta public test?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: Sewer is currently the only map in the beta
<@etqw> JaZzE- asked: whos jrad?
<@etqw> jRAD|Work answers: He is sooo awesome
<@etqw> evilinc asked: will a PC player be able to play a console player?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: pc players and console players will not be able to play on the same servers
<@etqw> Farden asked: will there be bots on etqw non-ranked servers? and on ranked servers?
<@etqw> Wils answers: Yes to both
<@etqw> eNTi asked: why fileplanet!? i want to try it too, but i don't what to subscribe...
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: keys will be available for free fileplanet accounts in a few days
<@etqw> black`` asked: do you feel the consolidation of power in russia by the kremlin and the continuation of a system of russian oligarchs is a negative for the russian people or necessary step in the evolution of russia's move towards a populist democracy?
<@etqw> jRAD|Work answers: Yes
<@etqw> Chosi asked: Will subscribing to fileplanet right now give me the chance to get into the beta? (today)
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: yes
<@etqw> alane2k7 asked: does your milkshake bring all the boys to the yard ?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: regularly
<@etqw> DemonSVK asked: How can Beta Testers report Bugs etc?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: as noted in the readme, there's a special forum for beta feedback
<@etqw> e9`foxx asked: an they're like it's betta than yours?
<@etqw> Wils answers: No, they mistakenly assume that drinking our milkshake will get them a beta key - our milkshake is awful
<@etqw> maaaani^weg asked: Will there be a Linux or MacOSX - Version of the game?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: Aspyr is working on the Mac version of the game, it will also be out for Linux
<@etqw> Daveoh asked: Can you get the HEADSHOT on ET:QW?
<@etqw> Wils answers: Yes, you can get headshots in ETQW
<+meeb> REMEMBER: TO ASK A QUESTION /msg etqw [your question here]
<@etqw> TTA|Richy asked: Do any of you guys still play the beta?
<@etqw> SyncError answers: I played this morning, yes.
<@etqw> sandr asked: Why do you work together with a commercial paying site like fileplanet and don't distribute your keys on your own way?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: we dont have the infrastructure or resources to organize and run a beta test of this magnitude. fileplanet has stepped in and is helping us with distribution and organization.
<@etqw> Hello2u asked: who are you
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: I'm Splash Damage's community relations manager, Wils is the lead level designer, jrad is a programmer on the game, and SyncError.. well I don't really know what he does
<@etqw> hang on folks minor technical hitch
<@[b]adman> hahaha
<@[b]adman> you mean wils killed our bot
<@jRAD|Work> hilarious.
<@etqw> [SBZ]Grarghsies asked: Are we back in action?
<@etqw> Wils answers: Yes. Sorry about that 
<@etqw> ro`mt|Spider asked: "well I don't really know what he does"... SyncError DOES answer questions, doesn't he? XD
<@etqw> SyncError answers: I had to get up for a second, I'm now back.
@malarky) wils broke the internet
<@etqw> NaNT asked: SyncError: will your brother NetSplit join us today?
<@etqw> SyncError answers: My brother's name is Matthew. inhi who netsplit is.
<@etqw> Pr3dS`AKABEI` asked: does the team have another project in mind after the release of etqw and if yes can you tell us about it ?
<@etqw> Wils answers: Yes, no (sorry)
<@etqw> Swifto|Ak asked: isn't activision working on this game?
<@etqw> Wils answers: Activision are publishing ETQW
<@etqw> hybrid-art asked: What has changed especially in the radiant? Will portals and sidewalks be supported?
<@etqw> jRAD|Work answers: Familiar ideas like portals and brushes are still there. The main improvements are to the interface, and the addition of references to other worlds.
<@etqw> stimp asked: give me a date when the full game will be out?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: when it's done 
<@etqw> Zaedyn_ asked: Is reserving names only for ranked servers, or for both? In other words, will names be completely unique or only on ranked servers?
<@etqw> SyncError answers: Reserved names are for all servers.
<@etqw> eC4`Kingbombs asked: if i pay for a fileplanet subscription now, does that mean i can download and play the game now?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: yes
<@etqw> stimp asked: this year?
<@etqw> Wils answers: 2007
<@etqw> PoRNo-MoRoZ asked: is there a railgun in etqw ?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: yes, there is
<@etqw> DemonSVK asked: When will Beta Ends?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: the beta will end in a few weeks when we're satisfied that we have all the data we need
<@etqw> PoRNo-MoRoZ asked: railgun is a strogg-only weapon ?
<@etqw> SyncError answers: Correct.
<@etqw> oly|rap asked: I'm a programmer, have deep understandings of game technology, currently studying computer science and I'm very creative. Will there be ever a chance to work for you, Splash Damage?
<@etqw> jRAD|Work answers: There's always a chance!
<@etqw> Fasty101 asked: im installing now , when you going to join us for a game and wot server you guys normally on :P
<@etqw> SyncError answers: I play on Dallas and Chicago servers
<@etqw> DemonSVK asked: Is there a chance in Devs playing on Beta servers? 
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: we'll be popping in and out pretty regularly
<@etqw> JaZzE- asked: im not a programmer and stupid as wood, and unemployed, can i work for splash damage?
<@etqw> jRAD|Work answers: Only if you can make delicious coffee
<@etqw> xantir asked: Are the two teams different from eachother other than looking different and sounding different? Does Strogg have any abilities that the Humans don't have etc.
<@etqw> SyncError answers: Yes they different, the sides do not mirror eachother.
12-Q12- You are not known or banned on this channel and can't dump the userlist!
<@etqw> Kamikazee asked: So will the map editor be supplied on the game's DVD, or any other mod tools like SDK?
<@etqw> jRAD|Work answers: The tools and SDK will be released shortly after the game itself
<@etqw> xantir asked: "the sides do not mirror eachother" <- this applies to weapons aswell?
<@etqw> SyncError answers: Correct
<@etqw> Morthy asked: Where abouts in the world is splash damage situated?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: we're in london, all swimming in a giant vat of tea
<@etqw> MackeY asked: Fileplanet tells me that my system does not meet the requirements for the beta. Does this mean my system also doesn't meet the minimum requirements for the retail game?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: the beta has higher requirements than the final game, as we're still in the process of optimizing
<@etqw> PsYForCe asked: is it true that u will never answer a question of me?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: pretty much
<@etqw> DemonSVK asked: Will Devs playing Beta have some Prefix?
<@etqw> SyncError answers: None that are forced.
<@etqw> mega_pt asked: etqw has a anti cheat software?
<@etqw> SyncError answers: Punkbuster
<@etqw> Fasty101 asked: wot you think of the new olympics 1012 logo ? could you do a better job ?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: a 3 year old could do a better job
<@etqw> mountainsh0rt asked: will the max_fps be locked at 60 like in the beta right now?
<@etqw> Wils answers: It isn't locked, that's just the default cap
<@etqw> pure_crazyness asked: with EN8800GTS(640mb), c2d E6420 and 2gb ram, how many fps can I get in retail etqw?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: let me get into my delorean and find out
<@etqw> gotmilk asked: does meeb play etqw too or is he just here for show ? :P by the way its my bday tomorrow :P
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: meeb is here for eye candy
<@etqw> BiG_Jnz asked: [Will there be an et:qw tourney @ qcon this summer?]
<@etqw> SyncError answers: Tba soon.
<@etqw> AndyDD asked: is splash damage part of I.D software
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: splash damage is independently owned, but working closely with id software on etqw
<@etqw> gun-CRUSHYOU asked: will names in beta carry over to retail game release?????
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: no, they will not
<@etqw> gotmilk asked: what is etqw rated at ? M for Mature ?
<@etqw> SyncError answers: T for Teen
<@etqw> bpc|slaughter asked: wat is the link to download the beta version ? and do you provide any key ?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: fileplanet subscribers can sign up for the beta at http://www.fileplanet.com/promotions/quakewars/ - free fileplanet accounts will be allowed in in a few days
<@etqw> Fr3quency asked: what is the most popular class among the dev team?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: I like the GVF soldier with the GPMG myself, but all the classes are very balanced and different players prefer different classes
<@etqw> Raoulen asked: is there a way to register your in game name now?
<@etqw> Wils answers: You can register your in-game name by preordering the game at any of the retailers listed on the website
<@etqw> eNtropy` asked: How many keys will be distributed in total?
<@etqw> SyncError answers: 60,000
<@etqw> AndyDD asked: did john carmack work on this game
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: john carmack devised the megatexture technology that you can see in all of our maps
<@etqw> DeMetRi-GN asked: Will the final game run faster(more fps) compared to beta?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: we're still optimizing the game, so yes, the final version will run faster
<@etqw> Farden asked: will the free keys distribution be "first here, first served"?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: correct
<@etqw> d`Pilou asked: Is there an ingame voice system support ?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: we've got predefined voice binds just like in Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
<@etqw> Colosus|work asked: Are there going to be planned patches for the beta or are we stuck with this version until beta ends?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: we will be updating the beta as needed
<@etqw> eNtropy` asked: Will there be some kind of specialised features to support clans?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: we've got a clan system in the game, so you can create a clan and invite your fellow clanmates
<@etqw> Nutsy asked: Will there be any 3d job recrutments in the nearish future at SplasDamage? It might be too soon after QW but hay you might have another game going soon.
<@etqw> Wils answers: We're hiring at the moment - check the jobs page on sd.com
<@etqw> Intraxz asked: how long will it take to deliver all free keys?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: we have 2 days scheduled for free key distribution, so there will be 15,000 keys given out per day
<@etqw> thone_ asked: a version for linux is available yet?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: a linux version isnt available at the moment, but the game will be out for linux
<@etqw> JaZzE- asked: why isnt locki here?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: we're having locki run up some stairs atm
<@etqw> DemonSVK asked: What Graphic card do you have?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: we have a variety of cards here at the office and we try to test as many configurations as possible
<@etqw> zambino asked: Why don't kills give XP?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: XP is given out on a per-damage basis, so if you kill a guy that's almost dead, you might not get XP for that
<@etqw> DeMetRi-GN asked: how many GBs wil the final retail dvd contain?
<@etqw> Wils answers: All of them
<@etqw> CodeCrack asked: What do you expect from this Beta? balance fixes ? bug fixes? gameplay issues? what?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: we hope to get feedback on a variety of hardware configurations, as well as balancing and general gameplay feedback
<@etqw> Nutsy asked: Are you guys still in Crystal Palace?
<@etqw> Wils answers: We're as much in Crystal Palace as we've ever been
<@etqw> DemonSVK asked: Will there be some sort of Commander in each team in a game?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: there is no commander functionality in etqw
<@etqw> d`Pilou asked: Is XP persistent over several days or only during a single campaign ?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: in campaign mode, you keep your XP over the course of the 3 map campaign, but it resets afterwards
<@etqw> Danzigg asked: whats the website..?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: www.enemyterritory.com
<@etqw> Letori asked: darf man Fragen auch in Deutsch stellen? ^^^
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: nein :P
<@etqw> JackReacher asked: whats up?
<@etqw> Wils answers: up is a direction
<@etqw> CodeCrack asked: What is your favourite class and weapon of each side and why?
<@etqw> SyncError answers: Mine is Strogg Infiltrator, with a knife while disguised.
<@etqw> Pappabeer asked: Is it possible to run in windowed mode?
<@etqw> Wils answers: yes
<@etqw> eC4`Kingbombs asked: im pretty sure you said you would be giving a key away here? anything special i may have to do to get this?
<@etqw> SyncError answers: I'm still deciding how.
<@etqw> eNtropy` asked: Has the professional gaming community (CPL, WCG and the likes) expressed interest in etqw?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: we've been in touch with many professional esports organizations - there is quite a bit of buzz about etqw there
<@etqw> Colosus|work asked: What is the dev opinion on average team size for competition (not pubs)?
<@etqw> SyncError answers: 6v6 for E-Sports competitions, anything between 6v6 and 12v12 plays very well.
<@etqw> Beggingforkey asked: Is there a possible feed for "3rth party sites" to show stats?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: there will be a public stats feed so people can build their own stats sites and applications
<@etqw> Kurisuchianu asked: What is RTCW?
<@etqw> SyncError answers: Return to Castle Wolfenstein
<@etqw> Farden asked: what's the players limit on a single server?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: 32 players
<@etqw> Zaknifar asked: Do you acknowledge Duke Nukem Forever as a serious competitor in the multiplayer fps genre?
<@etqw> SyncError answers: lol
<@etqw> StM| asked: is RTCW:ET shipped on the QW dvd?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: not that i'm aware of
<@etqw> N3gat1ve asked: Is there any chance for Wolf:ET to be at Qcon this year?
<@etqw> SyncError answers: The QuakeCon Tournament announcments are coming very very soon. I will go ahead and say that they should be announced this week.
<@etqw> Colosus|work asked: Is SD working on a "tournament" mode to make competition easier on the teams? (stopwatch mode, etc)
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: stopwatch mode is in the game
<@etqw> Kurisuchianu asked: What has RTCW to do with etqw? I saw someone write something but i cant find it anymore..
<@etqw> Wils answers: RTCW has no direct link to ETQW, but ETQW is the spiritual successor to Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, which was a follow-up to RTCW multiplayer.
<@etqw> eNtropy` asked: Will the size of the maps, or any part of the maps like spawnpoints, adjust to the amount of players?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: map size won't change. all the maps are balanced for 12 on 12 pub play
<@etqw> MrSnow asked: will a sdk be released for map and modmakers, if so when should we expect to see it?
<@etqw> SyncError answers: The SDK and extensive mod making tools will be released shortly after the game is in stores.
<@etqw> daniel-k1n asked: When will the game be released in Europe (specifically Germany)?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: when it's done 
<@etqw> Botje-BMS- asked: Will there be a singleplayer campaign?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: there will be bots available for single player play
<@etqw> smubob asked: ID said also to Q4 "when its done"... finally it was unfinished =)
<@etqw> SyncError answers: Your welcome?
<@etqw> yuu asked: "You must meet minium hardware req. to join the beta" So ppl with crappy pc's cant play beta? >:
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: that's exactly right. we're elitists.
<@SyncError> *youre
<@etqw> Farden asked: will modders be able to create their own megatexture?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: yes. we have several tools that can be used for this that should make megatexture creation reasonably easy for map makers
<@etqw> no_friends asked: What type of music will be in-game?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: we've got bill brown creating original music for the game, but there won't any music during matches
<@etqw> negev asked: Is Paul Wedgwood always as happy as I've seen him in interviews?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: paul is very cheerful!
<@etqw> [HKF]Nappy asked: Is the length of a custom campaign limited on unranked servers? Can we create 5, 10, or 15 map campaigns?
<@etqw> jRAD|Work answers: You can make a campaign as long as you want to
<@etqw> eNtropy` asked: What measurements have been taken to avoid vehicles becoming overpowered?
<@etqw> SyncError answers: Several things. Weapons do slightly different damage depending on what they strike, players, vehicles, etc. Primarily balancing has come through thousands of hours of game testing.
<@etqw> Colosus|work asked: Will ranked servers allow custom maps (perhaps a community map pack approved by SD) so the game doesn't get stale?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: currently ranked servers only support our official maps, but we'll certainly be following the mapping scene very closely to see if there are maps worth including on ranked servers
<@etqw> eNTi asked: will the public beta be windows only?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: the public beta is windows only, yes
<@etqw> Farden asked: will the maps contain interiors?
<@etqw> SyncError answers: Yes, as does the map included in the beta.
<@etqw> no_friends asked: Are there any easter eggs in the game?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: they wouldnt be easter eggs if i told you about them, would they?
<@etqw> DemonSVK asked: Do you support Vista?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: windows vista is supported, yes. it's what i play etqw on at home, actually.
<@etqw> Colosus|work asked: Is 'Campaign' the only gametype officially included in the game?
<@etqw> SyncError answers: Nope.
<@etqw> sn0 asked: (my bro asks) when will ETQW for xbox360 be released/ETA ?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: tell "your brother" that a release date for the xbox 360 version has not been announced yet
<@etqw> HOkus asked: Why did you choose the name Quake Wars, when there already is a game from quake-series called Quakeworld, it makes it easy to confuse the games, QW, ETQW!! What you think about this problem??
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: because we're meanies. 
<@etqw> d`Pilou asked: Can vehicules be used by several people at the same time ? (a driver and several gunners for example?)
<@etqw> SyncError answers: Many vehicles have passenger and gunner seats.
<@etqw> SDSR|marle^aw asked: You have won a VIP KEY for the public Beta of Enemy Territory: QUAKE Wars !!!
<@etqw> Wils answers: Great! I will go install it now!
<@etqw> Botje-BMS- asked: Is there an estimate to the # of lines of code in ET: QW?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: umm, 5 ... billion? i really don't know.
<@etqw> Rainbearer asked: Cake or Death?
<@etqw> SyncError answers: This is Caketown.
<@etqw> FitzZZ asked: Will the beta already show the in-game advertisement?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: we'll be bringing those systems online over the course of the public beta
<@etqw> |snd| asked: sd going to be at games convention this year ?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: not sure exactly, I think we will be in some capacity
<@etqw> Raoulen asked: can you sniper a pilot of an helicopter? or is it impossible?
<@etqw> SyncError answers: You can sniper gunners and exposed passengers, most of the time pilots are covered by the cockpits. You can snipe them off of the husky bikes though.
<@etqw> jutanu asked: how many beta servers are there online now, and how many players can they serve simultaneously?
<@etqw> SyncError answers: About 50 atm.
<@etqw> SDSR|marle^aw asked: wouldn't it be easyer to give the beta free, and everyone see's for himself. instead of askign over and over teh same questions?
<@etqw> Wils answers: easier, perhaps, but less useful - what you're describing is perfect for a demo
<@etqw> no_friends asked: Can you do a barrel roll in any of the vehicles?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: if you turn on advanced flight controls, it's pretty easy to do all kinds of stunts in our aircraft
<@etqw> eNTi asked: have you ever thought of developing a ingame voice client for your games?
<@etqw> SyncError answers: An in-game voice client was made for QUAKE 4, in most cases people prefer to use external programs.
<@etqw> DemonSVK asked: What about DX10 and QW ET?
<@etqw> Wils answers: ETQW uses OpenGL
<@etqw> triple- asked: will etqw be pain in the ass on LAN partys like steam does?
<@etqw> SyncError answers: Not at all.
<@etqw> dol asked: aren't you tired?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: my helper monkey is starting to fall asleep
<@etqw> black`` asked: ive asked a lot of questions about Paris Hilton. I feel you are avoiding this issue. Is it because she is an ex-girlfriend of [b]adman and is the subject taboo for that reason?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: please don't mention Her here
<@etqw> flu1d`work asked: why isn't there a 2048x1280 mode - and will there actually be a console for the final version?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: you can bring down the console by pressing ctrl alt `
<@etqw> no_friends asked: Are you auto kicked out of vehicles when they roll over? (like other games)
<@etqw> Wils answers: no, you can choose when to leave (as long as you do before the vehicle is destroyed, obviously). You do get thrown off vehicles with open cockpits/seats though
<@etqw> Raoulen asked: can you play the game in offline mode? like if we want to play at a lan?
<@etqw> SyncError answers: Yes, /me <3's lan play.
<@etqw> Colosus|work asked: Do vehicles have "weak spots" where a well aimed rocket or shot will do more damage?
<@etqw> SyncError answers: Depends what your goal is. You can aim for its tires to immoblize it.
<@etqw> eitsch0r asked: is being selective about questions as cool as i think it is? :
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: i'm feeling all godly
<@etqw> Adan0s|afk asked: how many maps are provided in the retail version?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: the game will ship with 12 maps
<@etqw> Terifire asked: can you teach me how to give sarcastic answers to sarcastic questions?
<@etqw> SyncError answers: No you have to go to the Academy of Sarcasm for that.
<@etqw> Dobber_S asked: is the subscribers FP download gonna take 3 days? so free subscription access starting saturday?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: keep watching http://community.enemyterritory.com for announcements regarding the key distribution schedule
<@etqw> CodeCrack asked: 12 maps are not much, are there different versions like in bf2 ? just a note ut2k4 had more than 30 maps just for DM
<@etqw> SyncError answers: Quality over Quantity
<@etqw> black`` asked: i heard badman was expelled from the academy of sarcasm for plagiarism, is that true?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: i only copy from the best!
<@etqw> mb`phuN` asked: when will you give away the beta key?
<@etqw> SyncError answers: In 17 minutes.
<@[b]adman> jesus, does that mean i have to be here for 17 more minutes?
<+meeb>yes, bitch!
+meeb gets the whips out
<@[b]adman> that's always been such a fantasy
<@etqw> FitzZZ asked: [b]adman tell us more about your bdsm fantasies!
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: those arent for sharing. call me after!
<@etqw> Funkydupe asked: Will the character uniforms/armor change to winter cammo during winter maps?
<@etqw> Wils answers: yes
<@etqw> an3k asked: Do gameserver prodiver have to pay licenses for being able to provide ranked servers like EA do with BF2/BF2142? What are the requirements to get the ranked server software?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: we dont charge them a license fee
<@etqw> CodeCrack asked: is there a squad system or smth helpfull 2 get fast in a fight
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: we have support for fireteams in the game similar to W:ET
<@etqw> quadV|Iain asked: I'm off to dinner, you want anything?
<@etqw> Wils answers: we're just ordering pizza, but thanks for asking
<@etqw> ESL|Shazz asked: [ will it be released in EU first/ the same time as USA, insetad of every other game dev, and having "THE USA HAS IT FIRST, WAIT LONGER" etc etc ? ]
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: I believe we're planning to have a global release, but tapirs obviously take some time to get from the US to Europe, so there might be a delay of a few days
<@etqw> fnatic\Sam\zr0 asked: will you be working with any leagues such as WSVG, CGS, ESWC to get the game implemented?
<@etqw> SyncError answers: I am already, more so soon.
<@etqw> tyrannicida asked: In case one is able to acquire a beta key, where can one find the beta forums to post feedback?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: the readme file has information on how to provide feedback on the beta
<@etqw> Prolamer asked: Would be there rain or snow ingame?
<@etqw> Wils answers: there are map with both rain and snow
<@etqw> Maximuz asked: you will be giving away only 1 beta key?
<@etqw> SyncError answers: I only have one left. =/
<@etqw> SDSR|marle^aw asked: rain and snow at the same time isn't possible!
<@etqw> SyncError answers: Actually happens quite often.
<@etqw> d`Pilou asked: Don't you fear ingame ads can ruin the immersive experience ?
<@etqw> Wils answers: we're aiming to place adverts only in places where they would occur in real life
<@etqw> Dobber_S asked: what kind of people are the ensign people on the community forum? are they affiliated with the development or outsiders like the volunteer force?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: they just have a lot of time on their hands to make lots of posts!
<@etqw> SDSR|marle^aw asked: wil there be a system that force, that all classes wil be fulled up on a public game?
<@etqw> SyncError answers: No, there is freedom of choice for your teams strategy.
<@etqw> DoubleJ asked: what's the password for the fileplanet etwq beta forums?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: the password is being removed soon
<@etqw> vG|Demp[TMS] asked: stop ignoring me :( once again, what is your bra size?!
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: that's a personal question
<@etqw> syllogism asked: Why is the beta locked to 30fps by default
<@etqw> SyncError answers: Its not locked, visit the beta forums or look into the fps unlock cvars.
<@etqw> an3k asked: For what is ranking in ETQW exactly? To unlock weapons/soldiers stuff or just for a higher rank?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: ranked servers track your stats and upload them to our stats db for all the world to see. you'll also get a global rank that others can see. there are no persistent unlocks in etqw.
<@etqw> Sim-- asked: which team is better, activision team or splashdamage team at et:quakewars?
<@etqw> SyncError answers: id. =p
<@etqw> eNtropy` asked: You just said there are no persistent unlocks in etqw, could you explain that more accurately?
<@etqw> Wils answers: xp rewards last the length of a campaign (3 maps on ranked servers)
<@etqw> BtK|kr0n1x asked: One Month Subscribe will give me a key?? or i need more "time" subscribe to have a key?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: any subscription will do
<@etqw> zBz|Onassis asked: arent the 17 minutes over to the key giveaway?
<@etqw> SyncError answers: No, that was said 13 minutes ago.
<@etqw> AndyDD asked: did you get the ranking idea from bf 2142
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: totally. we also got the idea of having guns in the game from them.
<@etqw> Terifire asked: will it be possible to drop your weapon or ammo to share with teammates?
<@etqw> Wils answers: GDF Field Ops and the Strogg Technician can resupply their teammates with ammo
<@etqw> Zaedyn_ asked: What will your global rank be based on? The accumulated medals, etc? Or something separate?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: the global rank is based on total XP
<@etqw> SDSR|marle^aw asked: so the 17 minutes start over now? :p
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: get a watch :(
<@etqw> SDSR|marle^aw asked: what is xp?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: XP = experience. essentially points you earn for completing objectives and blowing shit up!
<@etqw> PugFish asked: are you open to gameplay changes due to feedback from the beta or is it just for bug hunting?
<@etqw> Wils answers: we're open to gameplay changes as required
<@etqw> eNtropy` asked: What statistics will be tracked? Kills? deaths? Kill/Death ratio? etc
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: the statistics are extremely comprehensive - you'll be able to check them out in the game
<@etqw> Funkydupe asked: Is it possible to go prone in the game? Does the stance affect aiming?
<@etqw> SyncError answers: You can stand, crouch, go prone. And yes they affect your aiming.
<@etqw> [FC]dngr`SVW asked: Why don't u give me answers about Henning Sa74n Horstman?
<@etqw> Wils answers: what were the questions?
<@etqw> FitzZZ asked: I heard in an early stage you can run as long as you wish. Is that still true now?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: correct
<@etqw> Daveoh asked: I like blowing shit up! Is this game for me?
<@etqw> SyncError answers: You'll love being a Field Ops or Oppressor.
<@etqw> [FC]dngr`SVW asked: Why isn't he here?
<@etqw> Wils answers: hes gone back to university 
<@etqw> [TF]Ringo asked: Where's the flag?
<@etqw> Wils answers: above the pillboxes in the gdf base
<@etqw> Jools asked: SyncError will you make a team with me my lovely? :((((
<@etqw> SyncError answers: I have a clan, but you could perhaps join it.
<@etqw> mb`phuN asked: 17minutes are exactly over.... NOW. so what do we have to do?
<@etqw> SyncError answers: You're correct! Key time I suppose.
<@etqw> Lekdevil asked: What will you do the day ETQW goes gold?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: sleep. like a lot.
<@etqw> Falzzi asked: Are there one-hit-kills in the game or is like ET where you have to deal some serious damage to kill anyone?
<@etqw> Wils answers: it's somewhere in between (headshots do more damage than body shots, and the damage ultimately depends on the weapon)
<@etqw> |DG|Kuthroat asked: INSERT_QUESTION Wat are the minimum system requirements? i have a intel core duo with a gig of ram and an nvidia 7800 and FP wont let me get a key
<@etqw> Wils answers: it should, i use a 7800 to work on the game
<@etqw> drmobius asked: Directx 10 support in the Beta?
<@etqw> Wils answers: ETQW uses OpenGL
<@etqw> RedBeard asked: does the rocket launcher projectile have a trajectory?
<@etqw> Wils answers: yes
<@etqw> vG|Demp[TMS] asked: would you like some tea?
<@etqw> Wils answers: yes, but unfortunately i'm stuck answering questions on irc
<@etqw> [TF]Ringo asked: Does ETQW use punkbuster?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: yes
<@SyncError> REMEMBER: TO ASK A QUESTION /msg etqw [your question here]
<@etqw> [HKF]Nappy asked: Does digibob care?
<@etqw> Wils answers: digibob always cares, but will deny it at every opportunity
<@etqw> ajpr asked: will any of my questions ever get answered ^_^
<@etqw> Wils answers: yes
<@etqw> St33lTiger asked: will there be a linux client too?
<@etqw> Wils answers: yes
<@etqw> Terifire asked: will this question get answered?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: probably not. ask again later.
<@etqw> net|MacGyver asked: what do the hit-boxes look like, similar to ET, or you need to hit the body parts
<@etqw> Wils answers: similar to ET
<@etqw> vG|Demp[TMS] asked: are you like magic 8ball?
<@etqw> jRAD answers: The answer is vague
<@etqw> unity asked: Does ET: QW support hitboxes like Q4 1.4.2 or per poly detection like doom3?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: hitboxes
<@etqw> Funkydupe asked: Can I kill someone by smashing into them using a Quad bike?
<@etqw> Wils answers: yes, if you're going fast enough
<@etqw> Dog^ asked: wils, cheddar or brie?
<@etqw> Wils answers: cheddar
<@etqw> `LoBo asked: cola or pepsi?
<@etqw> Wils answers: coke, unless its pepsi max... but pepsi max contains aspartame and is a source of pheniy... phenylal... ph its bad ok
<@etqw> Sim-- asked: in the final release of et:qw will we be able to record a demo?
<@etqw> Wils answers: yes
<@etqw> Jools asked: Dr pepper or carling?
<@etqw> Wils answers: there is no reason to drink carling
<@etqw> Daveoh asked: What are the maximum number of players in a game?
<@etqw> Wils answers: 32
<@etqw> ESL|Shazz asked: [i did the LTD ED pre-order with reserved nick, but havnt had the details through to reserve yet, who do i contact, sd or play?]
<@etqw> Wils answers: give play.com a ring/email
<@SyncError> Okay this is for a BETA KEY. Listen up everyone.
<@etqw> Sturmis asked: what's carling?
<@etqw> Wils answers: it's beer, technically
<@SyncError> Calm down on the questions for a bit. =)
<@etqw> Skree asked: What happened to beta key time?! D: XD
<@etqw> Wils answers: they're working on it
<@etqw> turk asked: will you be abel to colour your enemys bright colours so they really stand out ?
<@etqw> Wils answers: no, but we have foe indicators to help with that
<@SyncError> After I ask the question, /msg etqw with the answer
<@SyncError> The first correct response will win a beta key from me.
<@SyncError> okay stop
<@SyncError> we have a winner!
<@etqw> vG|Demp[TMS] asked: falafel or humus?
<@etqw> Wils answers: how would falafel or humus help stop artillery?
<@etqw> rEv`- asked: shield generator
<@etqw> SyncError answers: You are the winner!
eaze) falafel helps for everything. </interuption>
<@etqw> LOLCOPTER asked: Artillery Interceptor Turret
<@etqw> SyncError answers: You win too! =) For giving its other correct name, first.
<@etqw> Hattori`Humsch asked: Where's John Carmack?
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: in his rocket ship
<+Navi> key
<@etqw> Chosi asked: Will there be another beta key question for non-nerds?
<@etqw> meeb answers: it's a chat with the developers about a multiplayer FPS on an IRC network, bit of a silly question no? :p
<@etqw> quadV|Iain asked: How was the pizza?
<@etqw> Wils answers: hasn't arrived yet
<@etqw> Swifto|Ak asked: ur the developers? OMG
<@etqw> meeb answers: most (if not all) of the people answering questions in here (apart from me) are splashdamage staff, yes
<@etqw> no_friends asked: is meeb a spoilsport in RL?
<@etqw> eaze answers: No comment *nods frantically*
<+Navi> meeb is my homie
<@etqw> www_quake_de asked: Will you give the Community Page http://www.quake.de some giveaways from ET:QW like Dog-Tags, Shirts, Concept Arts?
<@etqw> SyncError answers: I'll see what I can do, could you please email me.
<@[b]adman> Alright guys, we've got Paul "Locki" Wedgwood here now, lead designer on ETQW and owner of Splash Damage
<@[b]adman> Hang on, getting him all set up 
<@[b]adman> So while we do that, how about another key giveaway
<@[b]adman> Same procedure as before, we ask the question in here and the first to /msg etqw with the correct answer, gets a key
<+Navi> oi
<@[b]adman> What's the name of the Strogg jetpack?
<@[b]adman> alright stop
<+Navi> I'm interested in a key too please :P
<@etqw> h8m3|off asked: Icarus GravPack
<@etqw> [b]adman answers: you win!
+meeb slaps Navi
<+Navi> aw :(
<@etqw> Brendakov asked: space hopper
<@etqw> SyncError answers: lol, no.
<Nomad> I heard something about a key ? 
<Navi> sshhh
<Nomad> oops
<Navi> we're not allowed to talk :p
<Nomad> sorry, didn't see that 
Nomad zips it
+meeb rolls eyes |
Wow this is a long post 
I missed the biggest part of it, thx for sharing. |