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In this topic, the changelogs of all site-updates will be posted, so those who are interested can check what has changed 
In case you find a bug, or have a feature request: Please post them in the Feedback and Requests forum!
Thank you |
Well then, some of you may have noticed. The site was down for a few minutes to update the software. Several bugs have been fixed, and new features have been added.
What's new? Check the changelog below 
- Fixed several bugs in the mail-class, emails should work fine now
- Removed the checkbox "account activated" at the "Edit user" screen. (It shouldn't have been there!)
- Added the textfield "Registration email" at the "Edit user" screen. (This one SHOULD have been there!)
- New users will be added to the default groups on registration in stead of activation. This way, manually activated users will also be member of the default groups. (Reported by Deacon)
- Fixed a problem with entering clan homepage URL's (Reported by Deacon)
- Fixed the bug where clanleaders couldn't remove members from the clan (Reported by Baldrick)
- Fixed a problem with registering a nickname which contains some special characters like the single quote.
- Introducing: Personal Messages!
- Added a paging system for forum topics (Set to 25 posts per page)
- Added option to mail a user at the user administration interface
- Added support for the [user=$userid] tag, to automatically generate links to users
- Added support for the [clan=$clanid] tag, to automically generate links to clans
- Removed the 24 hour timelimit on registration codes
- Added the preview function for blogs
- Clans can now enter the country they are from. This is a required field for all new clans!
And we were down for 10 minutes for another update of the site. The changes can be found below:
- Fixed a bug where members could not leave a clan.
- Fixed a bug where planning matches was always done at CET. Planning a match now is based on the time of your selected timezone.
- Fixed a bug where there would be no clanleaders or co-leaders left, after a co-leader has edited clanmembers.
- Fixed a bug where counterchallenging would wipe the other clan's chosen map.
- Fixed a bug with special HTML characters in forum posts. (reported by
- Fixed a fatal error which occured when uploading a new smilie.
- Fixed a bug with not being able to use smilies containing HTML characters.
- Introducing: Ladders! We are now able to organize ladders as well as cups.
- Added a list of all clans registered at QWL!
- Added the "Poll" box at the right sidebar
- Added country-flags to users.
- Added country-flags to clans.
- Added a 'crew' section, where all crewmembers will be listed, with a description of what they do.
- Altered the way of handling incoming challenges a bit. You will now always go to 1 screen which shows you the details.
From there you can click the button "Accept", "Counter-challenge" or "Start conflict".
- Added more clarifying error messages why a match can not be edited in the administration panel.
- Added the country selection to the registration page, which is mandatory.
- Added the timezone selection to the registration page, which is mandatory.
- A lot of under-the-hood changes which you won't notice directly, and which I am not going to bore you with

Last edited by: MoraX (Admin / Developer) at Wednesday 25 July 2007, 14:09 |
looking good. nice job there, Morax |
Vacation is over, so I have to get back to work again, which resulted in another fast and small update of the site. Mainly to fix some issues concerning ladders, and some other small bugs:
- Added some missing administration pages for ladders.
- Fixed a bug which caused the wrong clans to show up as winners of a cup.
- Fixed some character encoding problems with non-standard characters.
- Fixed the missing reply image when reading a PM.
- Fixed the problem which caused clans not being able to edit their homepage.
- Fixed several small bugs on the ladders.
- Improved the logging of page history, which is used to send you back where you came from after posting some forms.
Last edited by: MoraX (Admin / Developer) at Thursday 30 August 2007, 02:02 |