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European Open Beta Cup Final |

and The Loser Bracket: dignitas vs NINJA will be announced as soon as a date and time is set! Ofcourse the Final will be broadcasted again by TGBF, Game-TV and for the first time on QuakeWars Podcast, but... we are also working on a nice little surprise! 
Interview with Numse of One2| and hackbard of cause* included.
With the upcoming clash between One2| and cause* I kidnapped both Numse of One2| and Hackbard of cause*, dragged them down to our secret bunkers and interrogated them a bit about the coming event. So after some hours of cruel torment and loads of slapping,we sat down nice and cosy, had some coffee and talked about the weather, the latest in fashion and doing roadkills with a Hog.
QWL:I decided to leave out some personal info and will get straight to the point. One2 vs Cause: what kind of match will it be, regarding the Clanbase FInal played a couple of days ago?
Numse: I was right when I said before our last game: �Cause often use unexpected tacs�. The first round in the Clanbase final they used a tac that we have never seen before, which is impossible to counter if you don�t know that they might use it. It was a clever thing to do but it was too easy for us to counter it in the last round. It�s always fun and challenging to play these guys because of their special gameplay and I expect them to make up some new crazy ideas for this match.
Hackbard: This time it will be much harder for us. First of all we have to find a good tactic for both defending and attacking, because the tactic at CB first round was a one time thing what should never work again. But one big problem will be also that this time we have the vacation problem for the next two weeks. Our Leader Fox will be on holidays and this is a kind of a problem for us. Because FoX is one of our key players and hard to replace. So I think this time we really are the underdogs for the win .
QWL:Besides this being a Final, what is the difference between playing a match of this caliber compared to other matches you have played so far; QWL as well as other leagues?
Numse: Cause, Kompaniet and Dignitas are of a different caliber than the other teams at the moment. These teams have got all that is necessary to become a good Quake Wars team: infantry skills, vehicle skills, teamplay and tacs. Teams that lack e.g. vehicle skills are easy for us because we can take advantage of it on all objectives. Teams that lack Infantry skills, teamplay and tacs don�t stand a chance.
Hackbard: We were lucky in Clanbase and QWL with the seedings, now NINJA also didn't play because of internal problems. They were one of the better teams. For myself, I like it more to play against the top teams like One2 or Dignitas. We formed our team to compete against the topteams and compared to the other wars, its kind of a completely different feeling to play against One2 or for example Kompaniet etc. The pressure to play a good match, the casts who are watching you... So you have to be 100% concentrated and every wrong move can decide the map, like we saw at Clanbase. We messed up the whole last round because of some stupid errors and had no chance then against a team like One2.
QWL:Why did you choose to participate in the QWL Open Beta Cup? Or any Open Beta Cup for that matter?
Numse: We began practicing for Quake Wars long before the Beta was released by playing Quake 3 and ET. We play to compete.
Hackbard: It was a good chance to get a first impression where we are standing at the moment and to see stuff about how tactics and teamplay work in matches. It was a good idea from QWL and also the other cuporganizers, to give the teams a chance to have a tournament to play. I never saw such hype on a Beta game! 3 Cups during 3-4 weeks in a Beta is kinda impressive. We wanted to play as much cups as possible and also were happy about the Inquake Cup, which was also an interesting idea: a cup to play on just one day. But after they changed the date to next sunday it looks like we can't participe there now.
QWL:What do you think of the level of skill in all those Cups at the moment? Was
it as expected?
Numse: I expected more teams to keep up with us, but I think they need more time. Infantry skills are difficult to tell right now when Hit Prediction is 75% done, but teamplay is still something you can judge by and that�s one of the things that will be better with time. Tacs however is something that the other teams have a hard time figuring out.. most of the teams haven�t realized the principles of gameplay yet.
Hackbard: After the Closed Beta we knew some clans who were already at a decent level. And we thought that One2 would be the hardest one to play. We gave us a good chance but knew that it can be hard against clans like One2 or Kompaniet. About the skill: it's hard at the moment to say anything. It's stil a Beta.. the game will be improved again and again in every new build. Every new build, old tactics should not work anymore so it will be interesting again how the clans handle the new situation. I would say that skill gets more important soon to win. At the moment you can compare it a bit with good teamplay and tactics.
QWL:Is there a specific difference between clans who actually played the Closed Beta as well and clans who just joined up?
Numse: Some teams who played the Closed Beta are at the top, some are not...
Hackbard: Yeah definitely. I always said that the Closed Beta teams have a huge advantage in these first cups. Most closed Beta teams already had a higher level and knew the map as well. We had an early chance to play lots of pracs before the Open Beta and had an advantage at the start of the cups. The Public Beta teams did a good job and improved their tactics and skill, but I still see an advantage at the moment. Also a new Public Beta with a new map will be the same again, because the Closed Beta teams will be better prepared. For myself I don't like this advantage because it's not totally fair I think. Would be better to give everyone the same chance to prepare for a cup, but that wasn't possible .
QWL:What do you think of your opponent? You played them before.
Numse: They got their strengths and their weaknesses, and we know how to take advantage of what we know. But I expect them to do the same, as they proved they can in our last match. They are a clever team with lots of experience from the game.
Hackbard: One2 trained like hell and it's impressive how good their teamplay already has become. They know Sewer, have some good tactics to choose and know how to hold the objectives. Their teamplay works perfect with this Open Beta build. So it will be damn hard for us this time. And they will be prepared for sure after sunday...
QWL:So will it be a tough one or a rerun from the CB Final? What aspects make it difficult when playing these guys?
Numse: What makes it difficult is that we can�t predict what they will do next. It�s easy against the other teams, but not against Cause. I believe we are the stronger team, but I also believe they have studied our last match and probably are sitting in their no-life dungeon right now thinking about how to break our defenses.
Hackbard: As I said, this time it will be a real tough one for us. Without FoX, we really have a disadvantage this time. So we can only hope the best this time and need a bit of luck for the game as well. To play One2 is hard because they know how to use the radar perfectly. They spam all entrances and there is no way to get them out of the area without any luck. In this QW build they have the perfect tactic and know how to use it.
QWL:How do you feel about all speculations going on about certain teams and matches? Do you actually care and try to use that particular info?
Numse: Never heard anything useful from people who aren�t playing on the same level. And people who are playing on this level don�t bother to say anything useful on forums.
Hackbard: Nah I don't care about that stuff. We have enough more important stuff to do with Cause We Can. You never know for sure if the info is true and only to prepare something because of info would be kinda stupid. We have to prepare ourself as good as possible and then we will see how it goes.
QWL:What will your line up most likely look like? And why do you choose for those specific players: what are their qualities?
Numse: The lineup is most likely the same as the one against Digimons: Numse, PliXs, kik, Runken, Soltis and aLx. We have just recruited Aneki who doesn�t have enough experience right now to play such an important match and we also have Armyn who has probably got most experience than all the rest, whom I will replace because of my role as team-leader. As for our qualities? Well, just ask the Swedish BF2 heroes who say we don�t have no qualities nor talent...
Hackbard: Same as in Clanbase, only FoX will be replaced. But I'm not sure who's replacing him yet. At the moment we only have a small roster and only 6 100% active guys playing. PHX is still having some PC problems and ordered a new one, which hopefully will come next week. We are stil looking for 1-2 guys, but we don't rush now to get one. We are careful with new members and only take them when we are sure they fit 100% into the rest of the team. About their qualities: As FoX and I built the team, we only took members of which we knew that they have nice teamplay skills and know how to play in a team. And we only took members who already played with us in any game. Everyone has his special abilities and know how to do his job. We have a great spirit at the team because of that. I am happy to be part of this team because we are all friends for a long time now and we all have to same target for Quake Wars: to be part of the topteams in the future!
QWL:What to you actually think of the Splash Damage team taking interest and spectating matches? Does that motivate in some way? I'm sure they will be present at the final event...
Numse: That�s just awesome! It shows that they care for their game, and it gives us confidence of their support to the community, much unlike EA. We have played their team a couple of times and they are a bunch of really great guys, I hope they will get more time in the future to play scrims and matches.
Hackbard: Splash Damage is doing a great job! I stil can't believe how much they do for the community. They talk alot with the QW players to find out about problems and stuff which maybe could be done better. They are also interested in the clans. I played Battlefield 1942 and 2 and never saw an EA guy who was interested in the clans .
Splash Damage know what they are doing and since they all had their own clans in the past, they know what clan players want. I am really impressed about the way they are handling the Beta phase of the game and can't thank them enough for their work.
QWL:So what should the major improvements as far as your own findings in playing this BETA be, regarding balance and gameplay? Or any other suggestions?
Numse: I know a lot of changes they have done for the Quakecon Beta and now there aren�t many left on my wish-list. Only changes for the changes they did actually . The game is beginning to shape up, you�ll see when Open2 comes.
Hackbard: Most stuff i didn't like has already been fixed in the new build, which will hopefully released soon in the Public Beta. Regarding the Public Beta at the moment, I really hate the lags on the public servers and the Hit Prediction which isn't correct. But as I said, the next build will kick ass for sure and improves and fixes some stuff which makes the infantry skill more important again and not only the nade spamming skills. After participating in the Closed Beta, I can't tell anything about the new stuff but trust me: it will kick ass for sure!
QWL:Finally; any predictions for the upcoming match?
Numse: None at this point, we'll just have wait and see.
Hackbard: 4:2 for One2 again. It will be hard for us to play with the new lineup because we didn't have much time left to get the teamplay working, and we also had to change our tactics again. We only have some days to test it, so it will be pretty hard for us this time. For myself, I am looking forward to the new build with the new map and the gameplay changes which will play in our cards I think.
QWL:Any last words we should all remember you by?
Numse: Visit us @ #One2 | Teamone2.com
Hackbard: I would like to say thanks to QWL to start this early cup for the teams. Everything went pretty smooth without problems. Hopefully more cups to come soon from you guys . Thx for the whole interest for the game. Thanks to TGBF and game-TV for casting so many matches. Swede, you kick ass! And Sin, I love you! 
QWL:Thanks for your time and goodluck.
Numse: No problem, thanks to all helpfull QWL admins.
Hackbard: Thank you and your team for doing this cup for us. |